
How I Memorized the Quran In Three Stages [INTERVIEW]

How I Memorized the Quran In Three Stages 


I experienced three phases in my retention.

I couldn't have retained the Qur'an by heart without the assistance of Allah the Almighty.

To start, my initial phases in this voyage began when my folks showed me the short parts of the Qur'an when I was around four. I finished the last seven sections in my youth years. My folks were my inspiration and motivation to learn and examine the Qur'an. Alongside my kin, I used to remember as a result of the blessing that I'll get in the wake of completing the required parts. After some time, I was slanted to ponder by my own, so I could get familiar with its wonderful nature. Going multiple times each week to the Masjid to recount the part I retained before my educator was a pledge to myself. My folks were brimming with motivation attempting each approach to show us the Qur'an and the exploration of Tajweed since early on. I was just 13 when I taken in the progressed Tajweed course, being the most youthful with my sister, among all understudies (ladies in their forties and instructors in our neighborhood Masajid) in those days. It was an exceptional encounter for me, where I got the opportunity to present the Qur'an before them all. At that point, I was picked to show the Science of Tajweed to youngsters and elderly people ladies in our nearby Moasjid when I was 15. Honestly, I am so loaded with appreciation and gratefulness for my mother and father who have made ready for me in this adventure.

The second stage was the point at which I joined the Qur'an camp (where understudies need to retain the entire Qur'an in just 2 months) in my high school years. I completed another seven sections in about fourteen days, where I needed to remember ten pages every day. I didn't proceed as I felt that I retained such a large number of refrains without having sufficient energy to look into indistinct sections or words that I ran over. We needed to update the pages we remembered at home. i.e entire day remembering and reconsidering. Here, I liked to return back to my typical method for remembering.

The last stage was the most testing and the most lovely, as I chose to finish the rest of the pieces of the Qur'an at home, by my own. I was caught up with getting down to business 6 days seven days, having some independent work, concentrating my college courses with bunches of research to do. Interminable social visits and occasions that I needed to partake in, just as numerous other individual exercises and undertakings. In spite of having all that I need, carrying on with an excellent life, I understood that is not what's most essential to me. That is not my need throughout everyday life. Despite the fact that I generally read constantly my regular Qur'an parcel (I used to retain/overhaul refrains/sections every now and then as well), yet I needed to make a quantum jump in my life, that is to invest more energy to think about and become familiar with the Qur'an. So I made a promise to myself to retain everything, by adhering to an arrangement I recorded. Furthermore, that was all I required. A choice! I was finished with the rest of the 16 sections in around 9 months, Alhamdulillah, and by this I turned into a Hafiz… And look, you also can be!!

Before I share the tips with you, we should concur that there is NO 'one size fits all' means/tips for remembering. So what you can do is pick what fits you and include whatever will support you on the off chance that you are intending to remember the Qur'an, In Sha Allah.

I'll clarify in succession…

Before remembrance tips:

Be earnest and recharge your goal.

Look for Allah's assistance: when you plan, remember, change, lose inspiration, need understanding. Swing to him, they are His words and only he can show you them. Keep in mind the intensity of du'aa in sujood.

Record a rundown of your companions/relatives/individuals will's identity part of your venture. Be it by empowering or remembering with you.

State NO frequently: Cancel superfluous gatherings/exercises. Cut back on things you are utilized to, to discover more opportunity to get into the disposition and begin remembering.

Avoid sins: Always atone on the off chance that you once feel failed! Keep in mind that Allah is close by and look for shelter with Allah from the detestable Satan and continue onward. We are not flawless toward the end and a wrongdoing will keep you from proceeding with just on the off chance that you demand, recall this!

Discover a recitation/Tajweed educator: S/he will instruct and enable you to recount the stanzas legitimately and catch up with you. Your instructor could be your mother, father or kin at home (in the event that they can recount Qur'an with Tajweed).

Utilize one Mus'haf — (Quran): So you can utilize a pencil to stamp words and underline sections. Attempt to get a standard size Qur'an, not very enormous, that you can't hold and take it wherever you go, and not very little, that will be difficult to remember from, and you won't most likely compose on it.

Realize your remembrance style: Whether utilizing gesture based communication, replicating in a scratch pad, raising your voice while presenting, composing the start of each stanza, strolling around while remembering, tuning in to a reciter and rehashing after him. You pick the best method, and obviously you can utilize mutiple, as indicated by your mind-set, time, place, and so on.

Set an adaptable arrangement: It might appear the hardest part to certain individuals. In any case, in the event that you do all the above focuses, I am certain everything else will be simple. An adaptable arrangement intends to have plan An and plan B. It implies that you become more acquainted with your capacities and record an activity plan that suits you. It will be as simple to state: "I will remember one page each day after Fajr and another before I rest/after 'Ishaa." Print out a calendar to catch up on your advancement and that is it!

While-remembering tips:

Be that prompt riser individual: Wake up before Fajr time and retain your required pages. It's an exhort given by most if not all Huffadh of the Qur'an.

Turn off your gadgets: To keep away from diversions and to profoundly concentrate on what you mean to remember.

Discuss, Read, and Repeat, (3R's, rule): Make beyond any doubt that you present the page appropriately with Tajweed rules, tuning in to a reciter is extremely useful. You can likewise recount the page you plan to retain a few times before you rest and remember it in the first part of the day. Peruse the ambiguous sections and words implications from a Tafeer, so you comprehend what you are discussing. Mind-maps for sections of the Qur'an are likewise useful, (kindly do google them). Knowing the narratives of the refrains make remembrance simple. Rehash the page/refrain again and again until you are finished with it. Partitioning the page into parts as per their subject, and after that sticking it together is additionally useful.

Enjoy a reprieve: A ten-minute break is a great boost. Do it regularly.

Set time objectives: Have a maximum objective of 60 minutes/thirty minutes for every page as per your capacity, and by time, the more you retain the simpler it moves toward becoming.

Amending Tips:

Do whatever it takes not to just retain, dependably recall that the Qur'an is so effectively overlooked, so give yourself an opportunity to change the pages you previously remembered.

The most ideal approach to ensure that your retention is immaculate is to discuss the page while you are supplicating. You can do this in Tahajjud.

Be gainful in the time you spend in transportation. Overhaul a specific page or tune in to reciter understanding it again and again.

Compose your own update methodology when you complete it everything, you can begin with a gathering of companions (I truly suggest this).

At the point when languid tips:

Change your place and enjoy a reprieve!

Return to your companions list: Call or meet one of them. They will be there for you and your inclination will totally change.

Watch a video about the Qur'an and the reward of presenting, retaining and considering it. Find out about people groups encounters remembering the Qur'an. "Guided Through the Qur'an" program is a great one. (Accessible on YouTube)

Remind yourself with the numerous reasons why you began in any case and why you should proceed in this remarkable voyage with the Qur'an.

More Tips?

For the individuals who don't communicate in Arabic or know Tajweed you should invest some energy learning those first, so you can retain it accurately the first run through. Hear as you adapt, listen constantly to reciters as this will make it simpler for you to peruse the Qur'an legitimately. What's more, recall that Allah the Almighty says: "And We have absolutely made the Qur'an simple for recognition, so is there any who will recollect that?" I for one prescribe learning Arabic with instructors like Nouman Ali Khan. His "Arabic with Husna" free exercises on Bayyinah TV are truly astounding. Islamic Online University likewise offers the "Escalated Arabic Program". Or on the other hand you just can join your nearby Masjid/Islamic focus to learn Arabic and the exploration of Tajweed.

Despite your age or calling, regardless you can do it. There are several accounts that will motivate you to make your first strides in this adventure, simply look YouTube and perceive what number of stories will move you to tears.

Try not to delay: Start when you wrap up this article.

To me, Qur'an is the extraordinary genuine romance of my life. I have dependably felt, as far back as I was a youngster, that to retain and be among the general population of the Qur'an merits any expense and penance. When you become a Hafiz, you'll change from numerous points of view. Living with the Qur'an is an actual existence time venture that will dependably offer significance to your life and makes everything else in life so brilliant.

I modestly ask Allah the Almighty to permit me four things:

To wrap up the Qur'an in the manner in which He satisfies

To have the "Sanad" — Ijaazah, connected to the Holy Prophet Muhammad, (ļ·ŗ — peace and endowments of Allah arrive). Truth be told, realizing that the Qur'an in our ownership today is indistinguishable to that which was initially uncovered by Allah the Almighty more than 1400 years prior is a demonstration of its supernatural safeguarding, and having the Sanad connected to the Holy Prophet Muhammad, (ļ·ŗ) is a respect to be a piece of the individuals who helped in protecting the Qur'an too. Allah says, "Undoubtedly, it is We who sent down the Qur'an and without a doubt, We will be its gatekeeper." [15: 9]

Apply it in my life as the Prophet Muhammad (ļ·ŗ) did.

What's more, instruct it to other

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